All new LUX purchases are charged right away. If you order your LUX package after 12 pm EST on the 15th of the month, you will be shipped the following month's LUX bag.
Recurring Billing: Recurring charge orders will begin processing after 12am EDT (UTC-4), on the 22th) of each month
You sign up March 22th. You will be billed right away for an April bag. Your bag will be shipped to you in April.
If you get charged on the 22nd and we have not shipped the following month bag yet don't be alarmed, You did not get charged twice for the same month we are just running behind on gathering up all the goodness going in the bag.
Why did I get billed twice!?
You did not get billed twice, Let us explain :)
Everyone get's charged for the following months bag on the 22nd of every month, So if you purchased your FPVLUX bag before the 15th of each month and we still haven't shipped the bag it will look like you got charged twice however once the first bag ships you will only have the following months bag pending for shipment. If you have any questions regarding this please feel free to reach out to our email support fpvlux@gmail.com
Not Happy?
If you get your FPVLUX bag and are not 110% Satisfied please reach out ASAP! We will make it right!
Shipping USA
All Lux shipments are shipped between 22nd and 29th each month
Do you ship internationally?
Yes! However, we cannot offer free international shipping at this time. We have worked closely with USPS to bring you the best rates possible, but please expect duties/fees at customs and a MUCH longer wait for your subscription to arrive sometimes up to 4-14 weeks. These packages are often held up in outgoing customs as well as incoming customs once the package arrives in your destination country. All shipping methods are generally challenged by the fact that the package is handed from USPS to the local postal service of your destination country. This "hand-off" often creates delays and issues with solid tracking information which we are not responsible for. Please take the additional time and fees into consideration before subscribing!
Update payment / Cancel subscription
Don't worry you are not locked in and can cancel anytime even though we wouldn't want you to :( If there is an issue please email us so we can get it taken care of right away!
First log into your dashboard and click on Manage Subscriptions at the top, Next click on the Payment information tab, Once in payment information you should see CHANGE PAYMENT INFORMATION, From there you can change your billing card. If you have any questions shoot us an email fpvlux@gmail.com